Price: $
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DriveHQ Online Backup

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DriveHQ Online Backup is a great drive backup option with support for cloud

Drive Headquarters, Inc. | 2 more apps |
added on June 6, 2022
32.8mb | free


Fantastic options such as scheduled backup, incremental backup, and real-time backup
Reliable and quick
Backup can be accessed anywhere
Safe and secure through data encryption
Can backup files larger than 10GB


UI seems to be a bit old
The free version has only 5GB of storage
DriveHQ Online Backup
Price: $
DriveHQ Online Backup is a backup application that was created by DriveHQ. Cloud backup tools are in trend these days, and DriveHQ is one of the popular ones out there that provide you with everything you could need in an online tool. As part of the DriveHQ suite of applications, it provides you with 5GB of free storage and more if you want to buy.

All Online

The best part of DriveHQ Online Backup? You can access your backup from anywhere in the world. It is all online. For free users, it provides storage of 5GB, but you can upgrade if you find the application convenient for your usage. Wherever you want to access your backup, all you need is your DriveHQ account, and you are set.

Creating backups has never been so easy

DriveHQ Online Backup tool makes backing up every file and folder incredibly simple. All you need to do is click on ‘Create a backup task’ on your main screen, choose the option from quick backup to advanced according to your requirement and proceed by selecting the files and folders. And it will all be done depending on the speed of your Internet.

Scheduled backups are available for users who want to have regular backups for files and folders.

The free version is available

One of the many good things about DriveHQ Online Backup tools is that it provides the users with a free version that doesn't compromise much on functionality. It does limit the free storage to 5GB on the online backup, but besides that, all other features are available for the users and their convenience.

User interface

The UI of the DriveHQ Online Backup seems a bit old and mundane, but that may be a good thing for some users as it performs its operations flawlessly and quickly. The user interface in itself seems the opposite of modern yet it provides you with convenience.


DriveHQ Online Backup tool is a great option for people who are looking for online backup options with a good free version as well. With advanced level backup options available, DriveHQ Online Backup proves to be a worthy competitor to all the popular tools available out there.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

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